6-DOF platform for organ motion simulation

Course : Robot Dynamics

SolidWorks preview of the engineered hexapod

Course : Robot Dynamics

Problem Statement : Simualate and mimic the dynamics of critical human organs with involuntary motions such as lungs, heart, eyes, etc.

Application : Effective tele-surgerical training of doctors and medical professionals

About the project:

  • Many organs undergo involuntary movements continually such as oscillations of lungs, breathing of heart, twitching of eyes, etc. These motions occur even during the surgery and could thus be an imperative hurdle in training the surgeons on performing remote surgeries using tele-assisted robots such as the Da-Vinci robot.

  • To solve solve this issue and aid the surgeons performing tele-operated surgery, we have designed a 6-dof Stewart’s platform.

  • The organ motion simulation employes a mathematical model, trajectory planning, inverse kinematica & dynamics, and position-velocity controller.

  • The 6-dof hexapod so designed was designed in SolidWorks, modelled in Simscape simulated and tested in Gazebo to accurately mimic human breathing motion.

Kavit Shah
Kavit Shah
MS in Robotics

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.
